Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Our Governors at Sherwood Junior School


Our governing body works through two main committees: Curriculum and Standards, Finance and General Purposes and Pupil and Personnel. In addition we have ‘link’ governors who monitor specific aspects of the work of the school and report back to the committees. At our termly full governing body meetings we work with a Local Authority appointed clerk who can be contacted via Governor Services at Meadow House. Our Committee meetings are minuted by an external clerk, Mrs Vicci Catmur Smith.


Minutes from our full Governing Body meetings are a public record, and are available for parents to read. Please pop in to the office if you would like a copy and they will arrange this for you.


The Governing Body of Sherwood Junior School is made up of a combination of staff, the Headteacher, parents of pupils and people from the wider community with an interest in the education offered by the school.


If you would like to contact any of our school governors, you can pop in and speak to our office staff who can advise you around the best way to get in touch.


We have spaces for 8 governors at Sherwood Junior School (plus the Head Teacher).


Our Governors play a vital role in the running of our School.


Sherwood Junior School Governing Body 


Mr Colin Barnard - Chair of Governors and Co-opted Governor 

Appointed January 2021


Mrs Helen Simpson - Headteacher 

Appointed September 2023


Mrs Chloe Jackson - Staff Governor 

Appointed October 2023


Mrs Marie Irving - Co-opted Governor 

Appointed March 2023


Mrs Laura Higgins - Co-opted Governor 

Appointed June 2023


Ms Lesley Steele - Parent Governor 

Appointed January 2022 


Mr Greg Stevens - Parent Governor 

Appointed March 2024 


Mr Adam Littler - Parent Governor 

Appointed March 2024


Our Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office

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