Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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How we keep in touch

Text messages and emails

We ask all parents to ensure we have an up to date contact number and email so that they will receive our text messages and emails. The weekly newsletter is sent via email.  In the event any unplanned school closure, parents will be contacted via text.

Marvellous Me

As a school, we had been searching for an effective and easy way to keep parents and families up to date with their children's learning. We’re thrilled to use MarvellousMe!


MarvellousMe is a quick and fun way for teachers to keep you regularly informed about the wonderful things that your child is learning at school, and how well they are developing good behaviours and character skills.

The snippets of information that MarvellousMe gives you (and to any other of your family members or carers who join up) makes it easy for you to:

  1. Have more meaningful family conversations with your child about school.
  2. Continue your child’s learning and practise what they’ve done in class.
  3. Celebrate and reinforce their successes and positive behaviours.

All of the research shows that the more that parents are engaged in their children's learning, the happier and more motivated their children are at school, and their outcomes improve. 


When a child starts at Sherwood, they will be given a MarvellousMe letter. This provides all the information needed to register but if you need any help getting started, let us know.

There’s lots more information at www.marvellousme.com.

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