Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Our Curriculum

What do we want to achieve with our curriculum?

We want our children to:

  • Be ready for secondary school and the next stage in their education
  • To have high aspirations for themselves
  • To leave Sherwood with the basic skills of reading and writing and maths
  • To have experiences both inside and outside Warsop

We understand that some of our children find coming to school very hard, and sometimes they have very tricky things to cope with at home. Alongside all of the above we also want to support these children and their families to make sure that they are not disadvantaged by circumstances, and to make sure that they have every opportunity to flourish at Sherwood.

We organise our curriculum by:

  • Following agreed long term plans (headlines), medium term plans (detail) and short term plans (class and children specific)
  • Sometimes following a published scheme (for example Abacus Evolve in maths) and sometimes developing our own progression of learning
  • Linking learning together as often as we can so that it makes sense (for example weighing in cooking, measuring in DT)

Further detail regarding each curriculum subject can be found via the individual subject pages below. 

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