Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

Interactive Bar


Members of Staff

Mrs Helen Simpson


Deputy Head:

Mrs C Jackson (maternity leave)


Acting Deputy Head:

Mrs Bradbury
Lower school teachers:
Mrs Horton and Mrs Murphy - Year 3
Miss Johnson and Mrs Burton - Year 4
Upper school teachers:
Mrs Bonsell and Mrs Naylor - Year 5
Miss Payne and Mrs Bradbury - Year 6

Mrs Naylor

PPA cover
Mrs Beaumont, Mrs Johnson

Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Johnson, Mrs Hough-Lang and Mrs White work in lower school
Mrs Beaumont and Miss White work in upper school

Mrs S Jackson works in all year groups
Midday Supervisors:                           Caretaking/Cleaning:                                     

Mrs Hornsby (senior MD)                      Mr Wells  (Site Manager)
Ms Fisher                                              Mrs Hornsby
Mrs Kirk                                                 Mr Pettitt

Ms Lowe 

Miss Walters

Mrs Walker

Miss Ead - Fessey

Miss Wardle


School Office:
Mrs Irving (School Business Manager)
Mrs Angell 
Ms Lowe

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