Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Theme Days and Events

British Science Week 13 March 2023


Week beginning  13th March is British Science Week.  We will be having a special delivery of eggs and an incubator to hopefully hatch some very special visitors!  The children will get the chance to see the eggs hatching and watch the chicks grow over the next two weeks.  They might also get a little cuddle!  It is a fantastic opportunity for us to watch and think about the process and how to look after chicks.  We will be sharing photos and updates on the school website: https://www.sherwood.notts.sch.uk/chicks-2023/

We will also be participating in the National poster competition, with five of our own entries being sent off to be judged.  The theme this year is ‘Connections’.  We look forward to sharing some with you. 

There’s also lots more to explore on the British Science Week website https://www.britishscienceweek.org/ including ideas to try at home and live lessons and You Tube experiments.

National Poster Competition Entries 2023

Our entries to the National Poster Competition were Bella and Lacey from Year 3, and Lia, Riley and Jaide in Year 6.

We've had 3 5 6 3 8 visitors