Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.

The teachers are Mrs Bradbury (6B) and Miss Payne (6P).

The teaching assistants are Mrs Beaumont and Mrs Jackson.

The Curriculum

Autumn Term - Who Let The Gods Out?

In Year 6, we will be exploring the Ancient Greeks through our topic 'Who Let the Gods Out?'. We are exploring the wonders of Greek Mythology, what it was like to live in Ancient Greece and the Trojan War. We will also be exploring more of their love of sculpture through our art work and their amazing food in design and technology, including making Greek mezze platters. Other areas of learning we are exploring are coding and creating our own games and 'Where we live!' in French! In music, we have been learning to sing in unison to the song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams. For RSHE, we will be taking to trip the The One Call stadium where we will be taking part in wellbeing workshops hosted by the PLPS coaches at MTFC.

Ooo La La, there is so much happening in Year 6 this term; we will be very busy!

We've had 4 1 4 3 1 visitors