Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Year 3 (3B & 3M)


3B: Mrs Bonsell                  3M: Mrs Murphy

Also in Year 3 are our teaching assistants: Miss Hough, Mrs Johnson and Mrs White.  They all work really hard across lower school, so you will see them working in different classrooms and with groups through the week. 

Mrs Horton covers PPA for Mrs Bonsell’s class every other Monday, Miss Morrell takes 3M every Friday and alternate Mondays.



We have PE on Wednesdays.  This is both indoors and outdoors, so please come dressed appropriately for the weather!  Remember to take your earrings out at home on our PE day as you are not allowed to wear earrings during PE.



Our Homework books are sent home each half term with a new grid to choose activities from based on our topics.  We will record the focus in Homework Diaries each week.  In addition to this, we have weekly spellings set on Mondays (also in our Homework Diaries) and we have a test on Fridays.   Maths homework will alternate between TT RockStars and Abacus online.  You also need to be reading at home to work towards your certificates.


Our Topics

In the Autumn term our topic is Going Underground.  We will look at how Britain changed through the Stone Age and Iron Age.  We will spend a day exploring the Stone Age through exciting activities like art and cooking!  We will also spend time thinking about earthquakes and volcanoes.  In our Science we will focus on plants and what makes them grow well and different types of rocks.  We are going to start to learn some French phrases to be able to talk about ourselves and others.  Our books this term are Stig of the Dump by Clive King and The Firework-Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman.

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