Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

Interactive Bar


Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club is available every morning from 7.30am.

  • Places MUST be booked in advance by email by 12 noon on Wednesday, and paid for via sQuid by 12 noon on Friday, for the following week. Once the email has been received, we will set up the payment option on sQuid. You will receive an email on Friday to confirm your child's place.
  • Please use breakfastclub@sherwood.notts.sch.uk to book your child's place.
  • Places cost £2.50 per child per day. Unfortunately this will be non refundable, apart from in exceptional circumstances (e.g. school closure due to snow).
  • You can book and pay for a half term in advance rather than weekly if that is easier for you  - please make this clear (with dates) on your email so we can set up your payment option on sQuid.
  • Places are limited to 30 children per day on a first come first served basis.
  • Children can arrive at school from 7.30am and up to 8.15am. We will not be able to take children after 8.15am. Please come through the main school entrance on Sherwood Street. It would be really helpful if you could let us know the approximate time your child will be arriving when you email to book the place!
  • The children will have breakfast between 8.00am and 8.30am - this will be toast, juice and fruit. 


If you have any questions about breakfast club, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

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