Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

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Year 6

Autumn Term Curriculum 


Who Let The Gods Out?

In Year 6, we will be exploring the Ancient Greeks through our topic 'Who Let the Gods Out?'. We are exploring the wonders of Greek Mythology, what it was like to live in Ancient Greece and the Trojan War. We will also be exploring more of their love of sculpture through our art work and their amazing food in design and technology. Other areas of learning we are exploring are coding and creating our own games and 'Where we live!' in French! In music, we have been learning to sing in unison to the song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams.

Ooo La La, there is so much happening in Year 6 this term; we will be very busy!


Spring Term Curriculum 


Mother Nature and Her Earth

Ever been stranded on a desert island? Ever wondered why it's so hot in some countries but not in others? Well Year 6 are going to spend this term exploring Mother Nature and Her Earth alongside reading Michael Morpurgo's captivating novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. Throughout the term, we will explore a range of geography from Longitude and Latitude to coastal erosion, giving our children the opportunity to see the world like they never have done before. In Art, we will take inspiration from our focus text and create some amazing sketches, whilst in Science we will delve deeper into the world of Light. There really is so much to be learning so everyday will be jam-packed! Not to forget a special trip to the great outdoors to learn more about bushcraft and survival skills - Just like Michael in our book! 

It's going to be so much fun Year 6!

Summer Term Curriculum


The Wonders Of Life

In our final term of Sherwood Junior School, Year 6 have a very exciting term ahead of them. Alongside rehearsing for a fantastic end of year play, they will be exploring 'The Wonders Of Life', seeking to know more about animals and living things, their habitats, classification and the human body. We will have lots of fun learning more about the rainforests of the world, their fascinating wildlife but also the dangers that they are in due to climate change. This theme will thread into our DT and art where we will explore textiles and textures in the most colourful way possible. We will also be completing a few other creative DT projects such as designing their own wire games.  Finally in PE, we will be focusing on rounders and athletics in preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics. As part of the lead up to our play, we will be taking the children to the Mansfield Palace Theatre for a trip later in term so details will be sent out closer to the time. Most of all we are looking forward to a positive and fun final term with our wonderful Year 6 cohort. 

SATs Helpful Tips

Need a little more revision? Do you find YouTube tutorials useful? Well, try a few of TD Tutoring's videos. He is very good at breaking down certain question types, explaining them, as well giving away some very helpful tips for conquering the tests. 

These Year 6 SATs Facts Will Blow Your Mind! (2024 Maths Prep)

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