Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Sherwood Junior School

Interactive Bar


Harvest Festival 6 October 2021

On Wednesday 6th October, we had a special Harvest Festival assembly with Rev's Angela. Rev'd Angela shared a story about Harvest Festival and how wheat is grown and then harvested. We shared ideas on what wheat is turned into. Some of the suggestions were: bread, cakes and biscuits - yum! Also, we brought in donations for Warsop Foodshare. The staff were overwhelmed by the generosity and community spirt shown by our school. Thank you to all our children and families for showing many of our core values to our local community - we care, we are thoughtful, and we are respectful to each other are some of the values that we thought of in our assembly. 

We've had 4 1 4 2 5 visitors